10 Best Fall Foods For Dieters

10 Best Fall Foods For Dieters Most people looking to diet, view the Fall and Winter holidays as an unavoidable road bump where they will gain weight from the never ending family gatherings and special dinners. And so, they look forward to the New Year to renew their dieting commitment. But why not start now? Yes, right in the middle of Fall. The Autumn season has a bountiful selection of foods to choose from that are excellent for dieters. Here’s the top 10 items you can add to your diet: Acorn squash: By consuming 1/2 cup of squash with your meal, you’ll take in a significant chunk of your daily need for vitamin C. It will also help curb your need for a naughty dessert since this squash is naturally sweet. Apples: This versatile fruit can be cooked with savory

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