Breast Tomography 2D or 3D?

Breast Tomography 2-D or 3-D? October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. You may or may not be aware of an imaging technique that is now available at some screening centers. It is called Digital Breast Tomography or DBT. Digital breast tomography allows the radiologist to look at multiple slices through each breast. Multiple projections are taken through both breasts. Eleven exposures in total, taken during a single sweep. The images are then constructed into slices, 1 mm apart, throughout the entire breast. It is however technically still a 2-D exam. In screening populations using the DBT system, decreased recall rates ranging from 37-42% have been reported (Rafferty al RSNA 2007 and 2008). Dr. Greenberg from Washington Radiology Associates was quoted as stating that there has been a 20% decrease in recall rates for them and a 31% increase in cancer

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