What you need to know about certain Vitamins/Minerals and your Energy Level

Vitamin D.  This vitamin deficiency will affect your bone and muscle strength and create symptoms of fatigue or lack of energy. Your body manufactures Vitamin D when your skin is exposed to sunlight.  There are also natural sources in food. It is present in some types of fish (such as tuna and salmon) and in fortified products such as milk, orange juice, and breakfast cereals. Supplements are another way to ensure you’re getting enough vitamin D (note that the D3 form is easier to absorb than other forms of vitamin D).   Vitamin B12.  Anemia can cause fatigue or decreased energy levels and may be due to a B12 deficiency. Your body requires enough vitamin B12 to generate healthy red blood cells.  Many vegetarians and vegans become deficient in B12 because they don’t include meat or dairy in their diets which are the main sources of B12.  Your

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