How To Empower Yourself To Become More Decisive!

“Done is better than perfect.” – Mark Zuckerberg (Founder & CEO of Facebook)

#1. Can’t make a decision? When we refuse to make a decision, that’s a decision in and of itself! When you get stuck, ask yourself if you are going to continue with the status quo, or will you decide to move forward? All decisions (including indecision) have a cost associated with them. If what’s holding you back is lack of information or fear, get the data you need and always bet on yourself.

#2. Gather information. A LOT of Information. When faced with a large decision, this is the step you should always take first. Don’t sit and stew, waiting for enlightenment or for the stars to align and present a cosmic answer. Find out as much as you can about all possible outcomes and options. Dig up as much info as you can, research, chat with people in the field and people with outside perspectives. Read online information, chat with friends and family for advice. You may achieve that “ah-ha” moment after all the info been carefully reviewed.

#3. What is your long term vision or goal? Take time to figure out exactly what your long-term desired outcome is. Once you have that firmly established, you won’t sweat the smaller, day-to-day decisions. Ask yourself if each little decision is moving you in the direction of your big goal or if it isn’t. Choose accordingly.

#4. Why are you hesitating? Try to determine the root cause of your hesitation. Is it due to fear (not being capable or prepared) try proceeding one step at a time. When you accomplish each step, you’ll gradually build confidence and feel prepared to take on anything. If you’re experiencing anxiety (feeling unprepared or incapable), don’t overthink! Make a commitment, publicly if possible and dive into whatever you’re anxious about. Believe in your capability and jump over your fear.

#5. Trust your gut. Trust your past experiences and gut instinct to properly gauge risks, and determine if the best course of action is to proceed or walk away. Don’t allow yourself to mull endlessly over decisions – limit yourself to a short timeline to process a decision. Determine the best possible outcome and the worst. If you can live with either, the answer is yes, proceed. If not, then don’t.

#6. Imagine yourself in both scenarios. Try to visualize your world after both possible choices. Which outcome gives you a sense of peace? Which are you more excited about, which makes you happy? Which makes you feel empty? Visualization is key.

#7. Avoid regret. Whichever decision you made is the right decision. No matter which road you choose, there will be positives and negatives, there will be things you are grateful for and others you regret. Even if you had made “the right” choice, you would still experiences these pluses and minuses. Settle yourself into the decision you made and own your choice 100%.
