All About Self-Care on Valentine’s Day

February is in full swing with the talk of love in the air. Whether you are taking the time to do something special for a loved one, family member, or friend, it is important to also step back and take the time to love yourself. To truly love someone else, you must first love yourself, and in 2018 we saw a huge jump in people focusing on self-care and self-love.

Here are some great and trending tips to pamper yourself during this Valentine celebratory month.

Listen In

We live in a world surrounded by social media, apps, and podcasts, and within that, there are many tools we can use to develop positive and engaging thoughts about ourselves. The website showcases many speakers who cover topics from self-care, positivity, and health, and there is something for everyone in a simple search on the site. I also enjoy listening to podcasts on my drive to and from work, or in quiet moments I have at home. Some of my favorite motivational and uplifting speakers include Jen Sincero, Gretchen Rubin and Brené Brown, and I will often tune in through my Audible or Podcast app on my phone. Sharing great podcasts with friends and colleagues is also a great way to expand your breadth of knowledge and self-love.


Dating doesn’t have to involve someone else! Plan a day, activity or outing that involves yourself and doing something you love doing or have always wanted to do. Activities can be as simple as attending your favorite exercise class, eating a favorite meal at a restaurant, or even going to the spa to pamper yourself. Remember to be present and in-the-moment to truly benefit this time. Take the time to schedule self-dates in your calendar throughout the year to ensure you stick to your personal promises. We spend much of our time concerned about those around us and should never feel guilty about time to ourselves – you deserve it!

Just Breathe

In the hustle and bustle of our lives, we rarely take the time to slow down and take a few deep breaths. Anxiety and worry plague many people whether it becomes a constant in our lives or pops up in light of unplanned events. We can all benefit from breathing exercises to become aware of our emotions, stressors, and triggers. There are many breathing exercises to be found on YouTube, and whether you are taking 5 minutes from your day or 30, any awareness is beneficial. Breathing and relaxation techniques can also be learned and enhanced in Yoga or Pilates classes. Instructors will guide you through proper breathing, along with developing physical strength and fitness.

Animal Love

Animals have a wonderful ability to heal the soul, and it always amazes me how their presence can change people’s lives for the better. Spend time with your pet to appreciate what they bring to you, and if you don’t have a pet, ask a friend or family member to spend time with theirs. Recently, I have been truly inspired by the story of Peyo the therapy horse. I encourage everyone to search Peyo on YouTube or follow his Instagram page to view an incredible horse who brings healing to people in palliative care.

Love yourself this Valentine’s Day, and remember to keep those positive practices in place as you head into 2019.

Article By: Sarah Bamber
