CDC: This season’s flu vaccine 36 percent effective

CDC: This season’s flu vaccine 36 percent effective From: AMA Bulletin Healthcare Feb. 16, 2018. Overall the flu vaccine’s effectiveness for preventing flu influenza requiring medical attention this season is 36 percent. In adults it is 25 percent and in children the effectiveness is much higher and reported to be 59 percent. Normally the flu vaccine is 40-60 % effective.  It is theorized that the lower effectiveness is because the influenza A virus known as H3N2, is able to mutate quickly and escape the body’s immune system. The effectiveness in the US is reported to be higher than the 10 percent in Australia and reported 17% in Canada. Vaccination for influenza is still recommended by the CDC as it reduces the risk of influenza and the development of serious complications. Reference: CDC-Interim Estimates of 2017-2018 Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness-United States

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