How To Stay Fit Forever! Moving Yourself For Long Term Success

When we think about exercise, the big question raised is how can we “get fit” or “get in shape”. However, kicking off a fitness journey is not the issue – the big problem is how to maintain fitness. But what happens when our motivation slips, we get bored with our routines, the weather becomes miserable or life just gets in the way? Here are some great tips and advice to help sustain your motivation… you ‘ll want to get going and keep going!

1. Take Things Slow

You may be gung ho and guns blazing at the beginning of your exercise journey, but the danger of an intense “New Years Resolution” approach to fitness just isn’t sustainable for most people. If you dive into the deep end and quit all your vices, cut out all your favorite foods and embark upon a vigorous exercise routine, you may burn yourself out, lose motivation, and become bored. The goal is to approach a healthier lifestyle in a more sustainable way. Doing intense HIIT (high-intensity interval training) classes 4 times a week (or every day!) is just too much for most people. Try those challenging class once or twice a week, supplemented with low impact swimming, quick walking, slow jogs, etc. You’ll allow yourself ample time for recovery and you won’t burn out as quickly.

2. Accept That You Might Not Love It

Come to terms with the fact that you might not love the exercise itself, but there are other aspects to like and enjoy. Try focusing on those instead! For instance, you might enjoy spending time with people and sharing a group exercise activity with others. You may like the feeling of accomplishment that comes with mastering a sport, or the feeling of your body getting stronger every day. Or that you just feel better after doing it. Focus on other aspects – the rewarding ones – and realize it’s not all about the physical activity itself.

3. Be Realistic

There are all sorts of factors in your life that put pressure on you – your stress level, your personal relationships, work stress, your health – all may have an impact on your physical activity. Be realistic about your fitness routine. It might just not be possible to get to the gym 5 days per week due to family and work related obligations. When you create huge goals that are unsustainable, you will feel like a failure if you don’t meet them. Set smaller goals and reflect on what worked for you and what didn’t. If you weren’t able to get to the gym, don’t beat yourself up.

4. It’s Not About Willpower

We typically associate willpower with doing something we don’t want to do. Instead of forcing yourself to do something you hate, reflect upon why you’re doing it and what you want to get out of it. How will you benefit from it? How will you feel afterwards?

5. Work Out At Home

If you’re overloaded with responsibilities and unable to get to the gym, don’t stress. There’s a lot that can be done within a small area in your home. Doing body-weight exercises (squats, push ups, glute raises, abdominal work, lunges, tricep dips, etc) are all very do-able from the comfort of your home. The goal is to raise your heart rate, work your muscles and get in a quick 10-20 minute workout.

6. Take Injuries Seriously

If you become injured, the first step is to immediately seek advice from a doctor or a medical professional. Come to terms with the fact there may be instances where you encounter hiccups or setbacks – your progress won’t always be linear. Don’t “push through the pain” in an attempt to continue your routine. Accept it as a brief setback and work with a trained professional to get yourself on the path to recovery.

7. Be Adaptable!

Winter is no a time to hibernate! The seasons and the weather shouldn’t affect your workout routine. Not all scenarios or temperatures will be ideal – the best course of action is to be prepared. If running outside isn’t an option, plan to get to the gym or do a home workout routine. Life will always throw surprises at you, you’ll need to adapt and overcome them.

8. Get Your Sleep!

Don’t forget about the power of a good night’s rest. Sleep is when your body takes time to recover from stress, exercise, etc. Getting a good amount of sleep every night helps boost your productivity and improve your workouts at the gym. Make better sleep a priority!
