MIND Diet Slows Cognitive Decline in Stroke Survivors

Study Highlights: The MIND diet, which zeros in on foods that promote brain health, including vegetables, berries, fish and olive oil, helps to greatly slow cognitive decline in stroke survivors. In prior studies, neither adherence to the Mediterranean or the DASH diet patterns were significantly associated with slower decline in cognitive abilities. More research is needed to confirm the role of diet in stroke survivors’ long-term cognitive health. A diet that zeros in on foods that promote brain health, including vegetables, berries, fish and olive oil, helps to substantially slow cognitive decline in stroke survivors, according to preliminary research presented at the American Stroke Association’s International Stroke Conference 2018, a world premier meeting dedicated to the science and treatment of cerebrovascular disease for researchers and clinicians. The Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay, or MIND, is a combination of the nutritionally

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