Resetting For The New Year

As I counted down the New Year with a small group of friends and family at my home this year, our group made a pact to do “Dry January” and hold each other accountable to not consuming any alcohol for the month. Summer, to Thanksgiving to the Holidays, can bring many occasions where we consume a glass of wine, drink or alcoholic beverages more than once a week, and by the end of December I find myself feeling sluggish and down. My personal goal with not consuming alcohol for January is to combine that with clean and healthy eating and continue those patterns throughout the year. Many people often struggle with keeping New Years Resolutions, and here are some tips to develop healthy habits and routines, and continue them and build on them throughout the year.

Dry January

As I mentioned above, I have given up alcohol for the month of January along with many of my friends and family. Thirty-one days of sobriety has shown proven results to limit alcohol consumption throughout the year, and reset one’s relationship with alcohol. It is a great way to kick start a healthy eating program by eliminating the calories from alcoholic beverages, and reducing overall sugar and carbohydrate intake. Since alcohol has been linked to causing disruptive sleep patterns, you may feel more rested from good quality sleep. Another benefit of eliminating alcohol for the month is to achieve more youthful and healthy looking skin. Since alcohol is a diuretic, it leads to fluid loss and dehydration that is often seen in the skin and one’s appearance.

Develop Routine

We always talk about the importance of routine when having animals, babies, and children, yet often forget about routine in our own lives. A great way to start healthy habits in 2019 is to develop routines that are easy to follow on a daily basis. Try going to bed and waking up at a consistent time to improve sleep patterns. Set an alarm to go to bed, or one as a warning to give yourself enough time to be in bed on time. Find a consistent day in the week where you commit time to meal prep and create nutritious and delicious meals and snacks for the week. In developing healthy and lasting routines, think about starting with small and achievable ones, and continue to set goals as you go forward and feel the success.

Healthy Habits

Within creating routines, also comes creating healthy and beneficial habits. Healthy habits are best achieved when you start by creating small, achievable and realistic goals to incorporate into daily routines. Some healthy habits to consider can be as simple as reducing the amount of cream or sugar in coffee, drinking more water, or practicing meditation or deep breathing 3 times per week. As you set and achieve habits, extend them or add in new ones to continually benefit overall health and wellness. If you are feeling the benefits of meditation a few times a week, for example, extend the days, or length of time you practice this habit.

Start 2019 with a positive outlook towards your health and wellness, and you will feel the rewards of your efforts throughout the years.

Article By: Sarah Bamber
