Cream of the Crop Gourmet Food Stores

Gourmet Food Stores Sometimes checking out at your local food market is depressing. Admit it. Everything is a well known brand, made who-knows-where and who-knows-when. The price is equally as depressing. There’s likely few, if any, items you purchased with a rich back-story or quality ingredients. Did you know, though, that there are places nearby your home or just a click away for you to shop for gourmet eatables? Whole Foods: A supermarket chain in nearly every state (so there’s bound to be one close to you) that sells everything you’d find at a grocery store but high class. With the local ingredients and less processing you are likely to pay more, but one step inside and you’ll be hooked by the array of choices and free samples. Trader Joes: This store is slightly more eclectic than is fellow high-brow

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